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How To Apply for Medicaid on Long Island?

Posted on February 4, 2025

Our attorneys are admitted to practice law in New York and New Jersey


Medicaid is a federal and state program that helps people with limited income to afford their essential healthcare needs. Compared to Medicare, Medicaid also provides funding for nursing home care and personal care services. Medicaid is the largest provider of medical and health-related funding for individuals in need. As of July 2022, it is estimated that almost 90 million individuals, or almost 27% of Americans, have enrolled and availed of Medicaid benefits.

As a means-tested program, Medicaid applicants are commonly subjected to strict eligibility criteria before they can avail of benefits. The requirements are almost prohibitive and may require applicants to spend or give away some of their assets just to qualify for the program. However, with the help of an experienced Long Island Medicaid planning attorney, you may be able to retain eligibility while being able to keep your assets. Additionally, a skilled Medicaid planning lawyer can assist in developing a plan that considers the Medicaid estate recovery program and may help minimize the impact of estate recovery on the individual’s assets and their beneficiaries.

Contact Schlessel Law PLLC at (516) 574-9630 to schedule a consultation.

What Benefits Can Medicaid Pay For?

New York’s Medicaid program pays for a wide range of services. Medical coverage is often covered through the use of a Medicaid card or a managed care plan for those enrolled in care facilities. Generally, the services that Medicaid provides can be divided into three:

  • Community Medicaid – covers hospital and doctor visits including lab tests and prescription medication
  • Community Medicaid with Long-Term Care – long-term care under Medicaid includes different types of services such as medical, social, housekeeping, and rehabilitation. These services can be provided in nursing homes, patients’ residences, and assisted-living facilities
  • Nursing Home Medicaid – services provided by medical facilities certified by state survey agencies as Medicaid Nursing Facilities
    • Skilled Nursing 
    • Rehabilitation – post-hospital care needed due to injury, disability, or illness
    • Long-term care – healthcare services above the basic room and board

What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Medicaid on Long Island?

People under the following categories are eligible to apply for Medicaid:

  • US nationals, citizens, green card holders, or legal aliens
  • People under 21 or older than 65
    • People who are above the age of 21 may be eligible for Medicaid if they are pregnant, responsible for a minor, blind, have a disability, or have a household member with a disability

In addition to the eligibility categories, Medicaid applicants must also pass a means test, meaning their annual household income would be evaluated by the state. The applicant must be able to prove that they do not have the financial ability to pay for Medicaid out of their pocket.

What Is the Income Limit to Qualify for Medicaid in NY?

Understanding the income limits for Medicaid in New York can help you determine if you qualify for this health coverage program. The income limits vary depending on your marital status and whether one or both spouses are applying.

For the year 2024, here are the monthly income limits for Medicaid eligibility in New York:

  • For Single Individuals: The monthly income limit for a single person applying must not exceed $1,732 to qualify for Medicaid.
  • For Married Individuals (One Spouse Applying): If only one spouse is applying for Medicaid, the income limit for the applicant is set at $1,732 per month. 
  • For Married Couples (Both Spouses Applying): The combined monthly income limit is $2,351. This means that to qualify for Medicaid, the total income of both spouses must not exceed this amount per month.

These income figures are essential as they directly influence eligibility for Medicaid in New York. Staying within these limits is necessary for those seeking to receive Medicaid benefits. If you or someone you know is close to these limits and considering applying for Medicaid, careful review of monthly income and proper application submission are crucial for a successful enrollment. This will help in securing the necessary health coverage without any unexpected challenges.

What Is the Medicaid Look-Back Period? Are There Assets Exempted From the Means Test?

The Medicaid look-back period is the timeframe of your financial statements Medicaid uses to evaluate your financial standing. The timeframe can vary from one state to another but New York has a 60-month or 5-year look-back period on Nursing Home Medicaid.

The state will evaluate your financial statements to see that you didn’t just gift away your assets to friends and family to retain them. If you are found to have given away your assets, you may lose your eligibility and may be prevented from applying for some time.

Long Island medicaid planning attorney

Some assets are exempted from the look-back period. The valuations of these assets will not be included in the value that will be counted against you in the look-back period.

  • Your primary residence – the residence where the Medicaid applicant lives (or has intent to return) is exempt provided that the home equity interest is less than $955,000 
  • A primary vehicle – as long as it is fair market value, you may keep a motor vehicle regardless of value as long as it is necessary for employment or transportation for medical treatment, and/or modified for the transportation of a handicapped person
  • Personal effects and household goods – items such as clothing, jewelry, hobby items, recreational equipment, and musical instruments may be exempted. However, if they have significant value, they may be considered investments rather than heirlooms.
  • A burial trust or burial allowance – burial funds of up to $1,500 are exempt from the look-back period
  • 401k and IRAs in payout status
  • A life insurance policy with a value of $1,500

You may be eligible for other exemptions. It is crucial to seek the help of an experienced Long Island Medicaid planning attorney to be able to explore your options and determine your eligibility for other exemptions.

What Should I Do If I Don’t Meet the Means Test Eligibility?

There are some options that you can explore if you don’t meet the eligibility criteria. However, it must be noted that careful planning is essential to make sure that you don’t violate any of the Medicaid regulations.

Spending down assets

Most people spend down their assets and use their excess resources to pay for medical bills out of pocket until they can qualify for benefits. This method can be applied through spending assets on debt, mortgages, bills, etc. as long as they do not fall outside of fair market value.

Medicaid Planning

Medicaid planning involves the use of estate planning measures to allow a person to avail of government benefits without losing most of their assets. This method can be very useful to individuals who have complex assets that would not be easily addressed through other methods.

Options for Those Who Don’t Meet Means Test Eligibility Description
Spending Down Assets Many individuals spend down their excess assets to cover medical expenses until they qualify for Medicaid. This can include paying off debt, mortgages, bills, etc., as long as they don’t exceed fair market value.
Medicaid Planning Medicaid planning utilizes estate planning strategies to help individuals qualify for government benefits while preserving a significant portion of their assets, especially when dealing with complex assets.

How Long Does It Take for Medicaid To Be Approved

The processing time for Medicaid applications is typically 45 days, while applications requiring disability determinations may take up to 90 days. Failure to provide necessary documents promptly can extend the processing time for determining eligibility. Non-cooperation with Medicaid can result in the denial of the application, necessitating a new application submission after gathering the required documents, further delaying the eligibility date.

In the event of eligibility, the Medicaid agency will notify you via letter, providing your eligibility date and the amount of payment required for your care. This payment could be in the form of spend down liability if you qualify as medically needy or a share of the cost if eligibility is based on other criteria.

Submitting a Medicaid application at the earliest opportunity can provide peace of mind, as it allows applicants to plan for their medical expenses and avoid potential financial difficulties. Moreover, an early application can help applicants identify any potential issues with their eligibility, which they can address and resolve promptly. A skilled Medicaid planning attorney can guide you through the entire application process, helping you avoid mistakes or submitting incomplete or inaccurate information that could delay your application. At Schlessel Law PLLC, our team of New York Medicaid lawyers may be able to help increase the chances of a successful Medicaid application. Call us to learn more about how we can help.

Common Reasons for Denial and How to Challenge Them

Medicaid applicants on Long Island often encounter denials due to common issues, such as incomplete applications, missing documentation, exceeding financial limits, or failing to meet medical eligibility criteria. Gaining a clear understanding of these reasons and addressing them effectively can increase the likelihood of approval.

Incomplete applications often result from errors or missing information. Carefully review the application, correct errors, and submit any omitted details to your caseworker quickly to reverse the denial. Missing documentation, such as proof of income, assets, or residency, is another common issue. Gathering and promptly submitting the required documents may resolve this. Directly contacting your caseworker and providing the required documents as soon as possible can help expedite the resolution process.

Financial denials due to exceeding income or asset limits may require reevaluating finances. In New York, Medicaid offers options like the Medicaid Spend-Down Program or establishing a Qualified Income Trust to help meet eligibility criteria. Consulting a Long Island Medicaid planning attorney can provide guidance on legally reducing assets or setting up trusts to satisfy eligibility criteria. 

If the denial stems from not meeting the functional or medical needs criteria, detailed medical records and a physician’s statement demonstrating the need for care are essential. These documents should clearly demonstrate the medical necessity and eligibility for the type of care requested.

Timely action is critical when challenging a denial. Applicants have a specific window to request a fair hearing. During this hearing, presenting organized documentation and a clear argument for eligibility is key to potentially overturning the decision. Knowing how to address common denial reasons can significantly improve the chances of approval for Long Island residents when reapplying for or appealing a Medicaid decision.

Medicaid Excess Income Program

The Medicaid Excess Income Program allows applicants to avail of Medicaid benefits while also retaining their monthly income even if they don’t necessarily meet the income requirements. If your excess income over the Medicaid level is only enough to cover your medical bills in a month, then Medicaid can provide for your medical bills beyond that excess in your income. This method can be used to pay for outpatient care, doctor and dentist visits, prescription medicine, and even long-term care.

If your income requirements go above the requirement for Medicaid, you may be able to utilize one or more of these methods to help you qualify. However, it is important to remember that the best method that you can use will depend on your financial situation. 

Medicaid 5 Year Look-Back

The Medicaid 5 year look-back period is an essential feature of Medicaid’s financial evaluation procedure. In states like New York, it typically spans 60 months or 5 years. During this period, Medicaid examines your financial transactions to verify your eligibility for Nursing Home Medicaid.

The look-back period’s primary purpose is to confirm that applicants haven’t intentionally transferred or gifted their assets to retain Medicaid eligibility. If such transactions are identified, penalties may apply, including a period of ineligibility for Medicaid.

However, certain assets are exempt from the look-back period. The valuation of these exempt assets won’t negatively impact the financial assessment. These exemptions include the primary residence, where the equity interest is below $955,000, and a primary vehicle, irrespective of its market value, if it’s essential for employment, medical transportation, or modified for a handicapped person.

Additionally, personal effects and household goods such as clothing, jewelry, hobby items, and musical instruments may also be exempted. However, if these items possess significant value, they may be deemed investments rather than personal belongings.

Burial trusts or allowances up to $1,500, 401k and IRAs in payout status, and a life insurance policy with a value of $1,500 are also exempt from the look-back period.

Get the Help of an Experienced Long Island Medicaid Planning Attorney

Before you make a decision, consulting with a skilled Long Island Medicaid planning attorney can help prevent costly mistakes from happening. Your eligibility for government benefits like Medicaid may be jeopardized or you might get subjected to Medicaid’s estate recovery program.

Our top-rated Long Island Medicaid planning attorneys at Schlessel Law recommend planning for Medicaid long before you need it. We understand the financial and emotional strain long-term care planning can have on a family. Seth Schlessel, an experienced Long Island estate planning attorney, has helped families in seeking quality care for their loved ones while also maintaining their legacy. We may be able to help guide you through the often complicated process of applying for Medicaid. We provide skilled and compassionate legal counsel and representation.

Contact us today at (516) 574-9630 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation with skilled Long Island Medicaid planning attorney Seth Schlessel.

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